Berkshire and Henley Dance

Safeguarding Policy Statement


The purpose of this policy statement is:

  • to protect children and young people who participate dance classes with Berkshire and Henley Dance (also referred to in this document as BHD) from harm. This includes BHD school’s pupils and children of parents involved with the school.
  • to provide staff and volunteers, as well as children and young people and their families, with guidance for our approach to child protection and what they should do if they suspect a child or young person may be experiencing, or is at risk of, harm.

This policy applies to anyone working on behalf of Berkshire and Henley Dance, including full time teachers, Guest Teachers, other paid staff, volunteers, caretakers, school staff (of the school halls we hire), Parents of pupils, Hall management and students.

Legal framework

This policy has been drawn up on the basis of legislation, policy and guidance that seeks to protect children in England. A summary of the key legislation is available from

We believe that:

  • Children and young people should never experience abuse of any kind
  • We have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all children and young people, to keep them safe and to practise in a way that protects them.

Why it is important

Safeguarding is important to protect children and vulnerable adults from harm and those who are at risk.  Harm means ill treatment or the impairment of health or development physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially or behaviourally. BHD is committed to protecting children and vulnerable adults from harm.

All adults coming into contact with children and vulnerable adults have a duty of care to protect children and promote safe working practices and not adhering to this duty of care is a criminal offence. BHD’s procedure will aim to keep children safe and respond to child protection concerns.

We recognise that:

  • the welfare of children is paramount in all the work we do and in all the decisions we take all children, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation have an equal right to protection from all types of harm or abuse
  • some children are additionally vulnerable because of the impact of previous experiences, their level of dependency, communication needs or other issues
  • working in partnership with children, young people, their parents, carers and other agencies is essential in promoting young people’s welfare.


We will seek to keep children and young people safe by:

  • valuing, listening to and respecting them
  • appointing a nominated child protection lead for children and young people and a deputy for safeguarding
  • adopting child protection and safeguarding best practice through our policies, procedures and code of conduct for staff and volunteers
  • Regularly undertake safeguarding training and review our policies and procedures. These include:
  • Safeguarding Children on Social Media
  • Safeguarding Children in Sport
  • Safeguarding Children in entertainment
  • providing effective management for staff and volunteers through supervision, support and training so that all staff and volunteers know about and follow our policies, procedures and behaviour codes confidently and competently.
  • recruiting and selecting staff and volunteers safely, ensuring all necessary checks are made
  • recording, storing and using information professionally and securely, in line with data protection legislation and guidance
  • informing children, young people and their families of where they can go for support if they have any safeguarding concerns.
  • using our safeguarding and child protection procedures to share concerns and relevant information with agencies who need to know, and involving children, young people, parents, families and carers appropriately
  • using our procedures to manage any allegations against staff and volunteers appropriately
  • creating and maintaining an anti-bullying environment and ensuring that we have a policy and procedure to help us deal effectively with any bullying that does arise
  • ensuring that we provide a safe physical environment for our children, young people, staff and volunteers, by applying health and safety measures in accordance with the law and regulatory guidance
  • building a safeguarding culture where staff and volunteers, children, young people and their families, treat each other with respect and are comfortable about sharing concerns.

NSPCC Helpline 0808 800 5000 We are committed to reviewing our policy and good practice annually.

Criminal Record Checks- DBS

All Teaching staff need to be subject to the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Criminal Records Checks. This check ensures that they are safe to work with children and vulnerable adults. All Teaching Staff must hold an enhanced DBS. All checks must be undertaken and completed before a member of staff undertakes a regulated activity. All Teaching staff at Leap Dance Midlands will hold an Enhanced DBS Certificate.

To find out more about the DBS Service and DBS checks please go to

Designated Safeguarding Lead:

Berkshire and Henley Dance has a designated Safeguarding lead (DSL) who is in charge of ensuring that the child protection policy is adhered to. They will also track and record any safeguarding concerns and ensure that any concerns are shared with correct authorities. The DSL is Mun Lai Melanie Woodward and she can be contacted on: 07881814404 or

Training for this role includes:

Course: Safeguarding Training with Charles Kingsley’s Primary School

Date 09/02/2024

Course: NSPCC Learning Protecting children in entertainment

Date: 26/04/2021

Course: NSPCC Learning Child Protection in sport

Date: 29/4/2021

Deputy Safeguarding Officer and Designated First Aid Lead

Isabel Masters, she can be contacted by email: and only for the purposes of safeguarding or First Aid concerns.

Course: Beyond First Aid Training

Date 20th April 2024 (valid 3 years)

Course: Universal Safeguarding Children Online Training Course

Date: 09/12/2022 (valid 3 years)

Course: Tigerlily First Aid Training

Date: 11/07/2021 (valid 3 years)

Course: Universal Safeguarding Children Online Training Course

Date: 23/12/2020

Course: Paediatric First Aid: ABC Medical Services

Date: 12/08/2018

Deputy First Aid Officers

Zoe Pembrooke

Course: Sports First Aid Level 2 (VTQ)

Date: 14 Sept 2022 (Valid 2 years)

Melanie Woodward,

Course: First Response

Date: June 2022 (valid 3 years)

Reporting a concern

If a parent/ guardian wishes to report a concern they must contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead.

If the concern is about the Designated Safeguarding Lead the report needs to be made to the local authority at Hampshire County Council. The contact details are:

For Hampshire:

Phone 0300 555 1384.


Out of hours

Out of hours contact telephone number for Children’s Services

Phone 0300 555 1373

Please note – in an emergency call 999


Children’s Services address

Children’s Services Department

Hampshire County Council

Elizabeth II Court North

The Castle Winchester

SO23 8UG


For Your local council:

Useful information

The NSPCC provides information and resources on safeguarding. To find the latest news, research and information go to  0800 800 5000

As a qualified ITDA teacher, Isabel Masters and other staff will adhere to the ITDA’s Safeguarding Policy. Full details are found here: Safeguarding – International Dance Teachers’ Association (

This policy was last reviewed on: 14/05/2023

Signed: Melanie Woodward

Date: 14/05/2023

More ways to help you protect children

Take an online course Child protection: an introduction

Sign up to a weekly safeguarding current awareness newsletter

Visit for more information and resources for voluntary and community organisations.

Useful links:

There is also guidance around supporting children and young people’s mental health at:

Young Minds also provide training and advice for professionals supporting young people and children with their mental health. Website:

For support for the children and young people you work with there is:

ChildLine is available; it’s free and confidential for children and young people up to the age of 19 years old, either on the phone at 0800 1111 or online at

Kooth, they provide an online chat and counselling service for young people under 25 years old, website:

The Mix, are also a service that supports young people under 25 in various challenges they can face, website:

There is also Young Minds; they provide advice for parents, children and young people up to the age of 25 about their emotional well-being and mental health. Website:, Parent’s Helpline number:  0808 802 5544.




Berkshire and Henley Dance


Whilst there are no Covid 19 restrictions in the UK we will continue to practise safety measures where possible.

Teachers are no longer obligated to carry out a test, but those with a positive Covid test will be allowed to return to work if the following criteria can be met:

A mask is worn at all times.

Additional sanitising of hands and equipment must be followed.

Social distancing at a distance of no less than 3 meters from pupils and their families.

Teacher does not present symptoms and has no temperature



Parents will be notified of the positive test and given various options for class participation, including:

A social distanced class with the option for pupils to also wear masks if they desire.

An online link to join the class via a video call.

A digital download with a brief recap of the work missed.

No refund of fees can be offered if a pupil cannot attend one of the above class options or if the class is cancelled.




(Please ask for a copy to sign if you are new to the dance school)


Please read and digest this thoroughly. This may sound strict, but it is for everyone’s safety.

If we see anyone displaying any signs of any symptoms the whole class will be sent home immediately and all classes with that teacher will be cancelled until a test confirms whether the child is clear.


What to bring every week

One bag containing:

At least one full 500ml water bottle (2 bottles if your class is longer than an hour). There will be no other means of getting water during class

A face mask – for arrival and departure and in case of injury and if they need first aid treatment

Hand sanitiser – To be used upon entry and exit and all times

All dance shoes


Before coming to class each week

Please check your child for any symptoms of the Covid-19 virus before sending them to class. If anyone has any symptoms of COVID -19 please do not send them to class.

All parents are responsible for ensuring their child does not have a temperature. Please take their temperature every week before class. It only takes one person to slip up for the whole dance school to be shut down.

Please also remind younger children of their responsibilities within the Class environment.

Please ensure we have the correct emergency details for you.

All pupils must arrive dressed in their dance uniform. There will be no changing facilities. A tracksuit over their dance uniform may be useful in the car during colder months to cover their legs. This can be given to the parent just before class. If your child’s class is immediately after school we will work out with the school how best to approach helping the children to change.

Dance school hoodies are acceptable, but they must be able to fit in the child’s bag when they are removed after the warmup.

What NOT to bring to class

Additional clothing

All coats and non-essential clothing must be left with the parent/guardian

Any layers removed must be put inside the bag, so please ensure the bag is big enough. If it can’t go in the bag, then it can’t come off and if the child is hot they will have to sit down for the remainder of the lesson. We can not have personal items strewn about the dance studio

Fees and Forms

All fees and forms must be sent electronically and on time. Your child will be turned away at the door if the fees and forms are not submitted on time.

Upon Arrival

Please Scan the QR code (where provided) on your NHS Track and Trace App.

All Parents and Pupils must wear a face covering on arrival until the start of the dance class. Then it can go into their bag. They must put their mask on again at the end of the lesson until they reach a safe distance from other people.

Before arrival, children will be allocated a number. Please see your list. They will stand in their allocated box and the boxes will be rotated weekly so they each have a fair turn at the front of the class.

Upon arrival, children should stand in their correct number order on their correct spot.

When coming into class the children should maintain 2 meter distance and place their bag on their numbered Hoop.

They will then need to stand in their numbered square and not leave their square at all during the class without putting their hand up to let the teacher know.

Using the toilet and hand gel

Please remind your child to use the toilet before coming to class.

Please remind your children of the importance of washing their hands for 20 seconds (singing happy birthday twice) after using the toilet. Where possible do not touch any doors. Only one child will be allowed to the toilet at a time.


Before entering the dance studio and before leaving the dance studio students must use the hand gel they have brought with them to clean their hands. This also includes using the toilet.

We will have an emergency bottle of hand gel, but they are very hard to get hold of and so we ask you where possible to bring your own.

Toilet breaks will be restricted to a minimum but will also be operated on a ‘one in, one out’ basis to maintain social distancing, and facilities wiped down between classes, as a minimum.

Dropping off and Collection

Pupils will be brought outside to their responsible adult after lessons. Please do not come into the dance studio, even if it is raining.

Please be on time. Late pickup will cause the next class to run late and we need to clean the studio between classes.

Monday and Tuesday classes: Entry will be at the front of the Hall and Exit will be at the rear car park. You may wish to park accordingly so that you can see your child safely in and out of the building.

Cleaning Routines

All chairs, door handles, light switches, bathrooms and any equipment used will be wiped down between each class changeover when the previous class has left the venue and before the new class enters.

Class Activities

Classes will be in small bubbles with a maximum of 15 (as per Government Guidance). Children will maintain a 2M distance at all times by dancing in a 2x2m square with a 1m corridor between squares.

Children will not be allowed to dance barefoot at present. Please wear pumps, plimsolls or trainers or ballet shoes. A uniform list will be shared shortly with discounted ballet shoes, tap shoes and leotards.

Temporary lesson Timings

Due to the additional cleaning, we will be undertaking to keep the pupils safe we will be taking 5 minutes off the end of the lesson times to prevent crossover and allow for cleaning time. We also may run 5 minutes into the start of lesson times, so please arrive on time for the lesson but wait in the car until Isabel is ready to bring the children in. It will be made clearer after the first week how long cleaning will take. Please maintain social distancing at all times.

Once the government guidelines allow, we will be able to cease the cleaning schedule and classes will resume to being full length. This is now common practice with all dance schools and similar activities, where classes were back to back.


If another lockdown is imposed or should a confirmed case cause a bubble to close, virtual classes will continue on Zoom or a similar platform where possible or pre-recorded .


We take safety very seriously and our Covid policies and procedures are strictly adhered to. We will attempt to provide the safest environment possible, but Berkshire and Henley Dance accept no responsibility if you and/or your child develop Covid-19.





Amendment 09/09/2024 


Hazard Description  Consequences  Who is at Risk  Risk Probability  Risk Severity  Controls  Action Level 
Risk of Seizure 

(Seizure know not to be Epilepsy, but cause unknown by doctors) 

Injury during a fall. Other consequences unknown as cause of seizures unidentified. Not thought to be life threatening.  The pupil with the seizure or another pupil/member of staff  Possible  Medium  We are aware that one pupil suffers with non-epileptic seizures. We have been informed of the signs to look out for and how to care for ‘them’ until ‘they’ overcome the seizure. Teachers will be first aid trained and use their training to ensure ‘they’ are as safe as possible. We have been advised not to touch or move the child during the seizure. Upon the start of a seizure the child’s parent will be called. If seizures last more than 5 minutes teaching staff will call an ambulance. We will ensure the child’s head is supported with soft coverings such a jumper or similar to reduce the risk of injury. Those who feel confident or comfortable may help reduce the fall if they see the child is going into a seizure. Child pupils are encourage to clear the area and keep themselves safe. During a seizure, lessons will stop and all pupils will be asked to sit quietly until it passes. Depending on the severity of the seizure, the other children’s parents may be called to collect them.  


If this child is involved in helping with a class that is not their own, their parent/guardian must stay to supervise, in case of a seizure, to reduce trauma to the younger children. If this should occur the remainder of the class will be taken to another room and the child with the seizure will be under the care of their parent/guardian. 

Ongoing COVID- 19 safety measures. (NO PANDEMIC)  Spread of the virus, which may result in long term changes to health  Teacher, Dancers, Visitors, Children, general public  Unlikely  Low/Medium  Teachers with severe symptoms and/or and elevated temperature must isolate for 5. days or until a negative test is achieved. 

Teachers who test positive but who have no symptoms and no temperature must: 

Wear a mask at all times. 

Keep socially distanced from pupils and others at all times, except in the case of an emergency. 

Wash/sanitise hands regularly. 

Keep the teaching space well-ventilated by keeping doors and windows open. 

Continue to test daily until a negative result is achieved. 

COVID- 19 safety measures during a pandemic  Spread of the virus, which may result in long term changes to health  Teacher, Dancers, Visitors, Children, general public  Unlikely  Low/Medium  All dance teachers and class helpers are  to complete an online COVID-19 prevention course and submit their certificate to the dance school. 

Government guidelines will be constantly reviewed and adhered to. 

Hand washing before and after classes. 

Children and staff will be kept to the minimum distance apart as issued by the current government guidelines. 

Should advice state an outdoor location be used, one will be sourced either by using the current venue’s field (where permitted) or sourcing another safe venue. 

All children must use the toilet before class to minimise the need to use the toilet during class 

Should the need to use the toilet arise the hand washing procedure must be adhered to and hand gel also applied. 

No parents or visitors will be allowed onsite during the COVID-19 crisis to minimise risk. Children will be brought outside to meet their parent or guardian, or to a designated meeting place. 

No physical contact will be made between pupils and teaching staff. 

All information and payments will be transmitted by electronic methods. 

Parents have been issued links to all the appropriate government articles for covid-19 prevention, assessment and treatment and have been encouraged to keep up to date on the information. 

Staff are trained to spot symptoms of COVID-19 and will report and act upon if any symptoms are present This will be done by phoning parents, separating the child/pupil from others and sending the child/pupil home. 

Class sizes will be reduced to the maximum safe number of pupils that can be kept at an appropriate distance during lessons. 

Pupils will follow entry and exit procedures in the form of the following. 

Pupils will line up and keep the recommended distance apart. 

Pupils will be asked not to touch anything and follow through to the nearest handwashing/hand gel facility before and upon leaving the premises. 

The location will be cleaned between classes and classes will be spaced/reduced in time (depending on finances and availability) to allow time for this. 

All other local procedures as outlined by the premises will be followed 

Track and Trace Documents will be held by teaching staff and the school principal and will be kept up to date 

All parents are to sign and adhere to our strict returning to dance Covid-19 safety policy which includes the reporting of symptoms and contact with those with symptoms or confirmed cases. 

Should any contact or symptoms of Covid-19 arise all pupils and staff who came into contact with the member in concern will be informed and will isolate until a test has been cleared. Should a test show a positive result – all classes with contact with the person(s) with the confirmed case will be closed for 14 days to self-isolate. A new teacher will be sourced to cover the remaining unaffected lessons. 

Hazard Description  Consequences  Who is at Risk  Risk probability  Risk severity  Controls  Action Level 
Slippery Floor Surface  Slips, trips, falls, broken bones, head injuries, sprained ankles  Teacher, Dancers, Visitors, Children  possible  Medium  Dancers wear appropriate footwear  Low 
Exhaustion  Fainting, slips, trips, falls  Teacher, Dancers, Visitors, Children  possible  Medium  Time for a break between and during classes. Children are encouraged to bring water and snack to class to have during their break or before/after class.  Medium 
Lack of Dance Training/ Instruction  People dancing into one another, falls, sprained ankles  Teacher, Dancers, Visitors, Children  Unlikely  Low/Med  Qualified/well-practised dancers perform on the stage or teach classes. Lots of space in classes to prevent people from knocking into one another. Sensible spacing of routine and dances rehearsed at a slow pace, to begin with, to ensure sensible spacing or timing to avoid injury.  Low 
Dehydration  Fainting, headaches, dizziness  Teacher, Dancers, Visitors, Children  Possible  Low  Experienced teachers ensure class moves at an appropriate pace. Encourage the intake of water and a sensible number of breaks during classes. More in hotter weather. Opening doors and windows to prevent excessive sweating and overheating.  Low 
Electrical Hazards with Portable/ Static Appliances and Water  Injury, death  Teacher, Dancers, Visitors, Children  Highly Unlikely  Medium  Teaching and volunteer staff monitors that water and drinks are not stored on or near to electrical equipment. Water bottles are to be kept closed when not in use.  Medium 
Pulled Muscles  Injury  Teacher, Dancers, Visitors, Children  Possible  Low/Med  Dancers are warmed up and there is cool-down time. Teachers can instruct students to warm up while they are setting up or in the first few minutes of the class. Teachers should advise students to do it in their own time after the class. 


Dance Teachers will be advised as to the competence level of the participants in advance. Dancers will be encouraged to ask questions if they do not understand the task. 



Spillages of water or other drinks within the studio  Slips, injuries to the person and those around them.  Teacher, Dancers, Visitors, Children  Possible  Low/Med  Spillages will be mopped up immediately. 


Water bottles are to be kept closed when not in use. 

Only containers with a resealable lid are to be used in the dance studio. 

Sharp or abrasive objects on the dance floor  Minor injuries  Teacher, Dancers, Visitors, Children  Unlikely  Low/Med  Teacher will check the space before each class for any miscellaneous objects or hazards and will remove them. Venue management should be notified of any broken glass or other dangerous objects found on or near the studio floor or hanging in the space. Young people also asked not to take sharp items into studios and to be vigilant.  Low 
Slipping on wet surfaces due to rain, muddy floors or other  Possible major injury or death  Teacher, Dancers, Visitors, Children  Possible  Med/High  Teacher will check the space before each class for any potential slip hazards. 


Surface will be cleaned/ will be mopped up immediately, by the teacher if possible if provisions are accessible, or reported to the venue. 

Young people may try to leave the premises  Young people could be at risk and would be unsupervised if they left the accommodation  Young people  Unlikely  Medium  The young people will be told that they must not leave the accommodation site unaccompanied. Parents must collect and drop off their children to the designated drop-off point. Buildings are secured where possible. Should a child leave the class and their whereabouts be unknow the class will stop and the teacher will ensure all the other pupils are cared for while they search for the missing child.  medium 
Disagreements, arguments or fights  Injury to persons or creating a bad atmosphere  Young People  Unlikely  Low  Teacher or parent to intervene if such circumstances arise.  Low 
Young people/visitors could get locked in/out  Young people could panic and not be able to operate the door locks properly or alert anyone about being locked in.  Young People/visitors  Highly Unlikely  Low  Children are asked to wait where they are and not wonder off. Emergency numbers given to parents and we have parents contact details also. Door bell to notify us at certain venues where needed.  Low 
Medical incident  A pre-existing medical condition may cause stress, injury, death  Young people, dancers, parents, visitors, teachers  Possible  Med/High  Teachers are first aid trained or with a member of staff who is first aid trained. All pupils are to complete a membership form which outlines any pre-existing medical conditions. Emergency contact details for parents also given and emergency procedures are to be followed. 


In the event a child becomes unwell during the session, teacher have  emergency contact details of all parents and the child is to be collected and taken home or to seek medical attention immediately. For any contagious conditions, the pupil must not attend classes until they are 48 hours clear of symptoms or follow the appropriate guidelines as per the Public Health Agency. 

Risk of loose or poorly secured rigging, lights and equipment falling onto stage  Injury or death  Young people, dancers, parents, visitors, teachers  Highly Unlikely  Medium  Venue to ensure all safety procedures are followed and checks made  Low 
Fire  Injury or death  Young people, dancers, parents, visitors, teachers  Highly Unlikely  Medium  Fire Drills are conducted once a term. In the event of a fire the teacher is to follow the venue fire and safety policies. Teachers are to calmly and safely evacuate all to the appropriate assembly point via the nearest emergency exit. Teacher is to notify the appropriate member of staff (if possible).  Low 





Risk Assessment Ref No  Event Date  Completed By  Date 





M. Woodward 





Hazards Identified and Source of Risk  Persons Impacted  Risk 


Risk Probability  Risk Severity   

Control Measures 




Child protection  ·       Children  Major  Possible  Med/High  All teachers and volunteers who will be supervising the children will be enhanced DBS checked and will have a chaperone license. 


Children will be dropped by their primary caregiver at the appointed drop off point where they will hand over care for their child to a fully licensed chaperone. 


Primary caregivers will sign a fit to perform declaration, to ensure that all children are fit take part and perform in the show. 


Primary caregivers will give up to date emergency contact details to the designated person responsible for Child Protection. 


Primary caregivers to advise the designated person responsible for Child Protection of any allergies or intolerances and ensure any appropriate medication is handed over when the child is dropped off. This information is to be documented and available to all chaperones. 


Berkshire and Henley Dance will work to the government’s ratio of 1 licensed chaperone to no more than maximum allowed children – dependant on age group. 


All licensed chaperones will be responsible for the care and welfare of children while backstage, when moving from the changing rooms to the green room, onto and off stage. 


Licensed chaperones will take full care of the children during the rehearsal and performance, inclusive of providing water and food (in line with any allergy and intolerances as outlined by primary care givers). 


No licensed chaperones or teachers will ever be alone with any one child. 


Licensed chaperones shall work in direct contact with the designated person responsible for Child Protection post show when children are being are being reunited with their primary caregiver. 


All licensed chaperones will be wearing a red armband and their licence badges to ensure that they are highly visible to children, parents and venue staff. 


Berkshire and Henley Dance Schools Safeguarding policy can be found: 


Access to stage  ·       Children 

·       Teachers 

·       Chaperones 

Not Significant  Possible  Low  All teachers and chaperones will be given a full site tour before the children arrive on site 


Children will only have access to the stage for their part in the performance 


Children will be accompanied on and off the stage 

Teachers and chaperones will have a full time schedule for the production to ensure that children are moved swiftly to and from the stage to prevent any unnecessary waiting in the wings 

Risk of falls from stage during performance  ·       Children 

·       Teachers 

·       Chaperones 

Minor  Unlikely  Low/Med  All teachers and chaperones to have full site tour prior to rehearsals 


All children to be given full briefing by their teachers about stage safety during their rehearsal 


All children will have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the stage and their positions during their performances during rehearsals 


If any adjustments on positioning are brought up during the rehearsals these can be adjusted prior to the show day 

Injury during performance  ·       Children  Minor  Highly Unlikely  Low  All children have been practicing their performances with their class during their weekly dance lessons 


Teachers are aware of each child’s in dividual abilities and their dance routines have been created to reflect these abilities and not to over stretch the children 


Should an injury happen during the performance two of Berkshire and Henley Dance School teachers are First Aid trained and will be responsible for responding to all first aid issues pertaining to the children 

Injury backstage: Tripping, falling, access within the stairwell. 
  • Children 
  • Chaperones 
  • Runners 
  • Teachers 
Minor  Highly Unlikely  Low  Chaperones, Runners and Teachers will be issued a backstage map highlighting the potential risks. 

A one way system to be implimented within both stair wells to reduce the risk of congestion and injury. 

Over exertion or dehydration  ·       Children 

·       Teachers 

Minor  Highly Unlikely  Low  There will be free access to water backstage for all who are performing and assisting with the show.  Low 
Child behavior leading to disruptive behavior or injury  ·       Children 

·       Teachers 

·       Chaperones 

Not Significant  Highly Unlikely  Low 


All children performing in the show are regular students of the Berkshire and Henley Dance School and are aware of the acceptable behavior of the dance school. 


During rehearsals the children will be briefed about appropriate behavior for the venue. 


Teachers and licensed chaperones will accompany children at all times and will be on hand to identify and deescalate any potential issues. 

First Aid  ·       Children 

·       Teachers 

·       Chaperones 

Minor  Possible  Low/Med  Two of Berkshire and Henley Dance School teachers are First Aid trained and will be responsible for responding to all first aid issues pertaining to the children during rehearsals and performances.  Low 
Spread of Covid-19  ·       Children 

·       Teachers 

·       Chaperones 

Minor  Possible  Low/Med  Government guidelines will be continually reviewed and adhered too. 


All families have been advised not to attend the rehearsal or performance if they are exhibiting signs of Covid-19. 


Hand gel being available to all as they enter the green room. 




Completed By  Date     
M. Woodward  14.03.24     






NOT SIGNIFICANT  Negligible injuries not needing medical treatment    HIGHLY UNLIKELY  Rare chance of an occurrence   
MINOR  Minor injuries causing temporary impairment needing medical treatment    UNLIKELY  Not likely to occur under normal circumstances   
MODERATE  Illness and/or injury requiring hospitalization    POSSIBLE  May occur at some point under normal circumstances   
MAJOR  Illness and/or injury resulting in permanent impairment    LIKELY  Expected to occur at some point in time   
SEVERE  Fatality    HIGHLY LIKELY  Expected to occur regularly under normal circumstances   


RISK SEVERITY MATRIX  based on Impact and Probability Levels